Ï The total amount of transactions at auctions of SCRMT exceeded 49 million 582 thousand US dollars

The total amount of transactions at auctions of SCRMT exceeded 49 million 582 thousand US dollars

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The past week was marked with registration of 13 transactions at auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For the hard currency, business circles from UAE and Afghanistan purchased petrol of mark ECO-93 (Türkmenhimiýa SC). Entrepreneurs from Afghanistan obtained diesel fuel manufactured at Seydi oil refinery as well as hydro-refined diesel fuel and base oil (TORC).

Besides it, for the foreign currency, terry products, which were bought by businesspeople from Azerbaijan, were realized. The total sum of transactions made up over 49 million 582 thousand US dollars.

For the local currency, businesspersons from Turkmenistan obtained oil coke (Türkmennebit SC) in the amount of 103 million 620 thousand manats.