Ï Becoming a hobby

Becoming a hobby

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Becoming a hobby

Horticulture and viticulture are gaining more and more popularity in Dashoguz velayat. At the same time, some local gardeners are interested not only in the commercial side of the enterprise, but also in the opportunity to engage in selection and grow in the difficult climatic conditions of the northern region, species of fruit trees or shrubs that are not entirely inherent in the area. One of these gardeners is Bayram Hojayev, who has been doing what he loves for about thirty years.

He leases four hectares of land in “Aksaray” peasant’s association of Gorogly etrap. Over the years, he has turned the once unkempt allotment into a blooming garden, where many types of fruit trees and grape varieties grow. Surprisingly, he managed to grow on this land three walnut trees, which are more typical for other regions of the country. According to the tenant, he had to work hard, because even in natural conditions, the tree begins to bear fruit after a long time. He managed to get a good harvest of peanuts on these lands, according to him, at one time he even managed to grow dates here. Its trees nevertheless, after a few years, died from severe winter frost.

- This was a good lesson for me, and prompted me to carefully study the rules for caring for heat-loving crops, says the tenant.

Bayram-aga is also familiar with the technology of growing soybeans, but he had to stop the experimental planting of this crop on a garden area free from trees due to the then low demand for the crop.

Bayram-aga considers the lands of Dashoguz velayat to be very fertile, you just need to spare no effort to achieve the goal, and then you can grow many types of fruit and vegetables here, regardless of the weather.

Today, the orchards of Dashoguz velayat occupy thousands of hectares of fertile land. Every year the number of fruit trees increases in all etraps of the region. The progressive development of horticulture and viticulture in the region is facilitated by favorable economic conditions created by the state for agricultural producers, including the allocation of land plots for use for a period of 99 years from a special agricultural land fund for the production of fruit and vegetables and the cultivation of perennial trees and a vineyard. This contributes to the stable provision of the population of the region with high-quality domestic food products and has a beneficial effect on the environment.