Ï International observers held briefings following the results of elections

International observers held briefings following the results of elections

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International observers held briefings following the results of elections

Today, at the briefings of Missions of observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Organization of Turkic states, results of monitoring over preparation and elections of deputies of the Mejlis were announced. In events, representatives of national and foreign mass media and also members of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan took part.

Addressing the gathered, heads of Missions, having expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the country and Central Commission for Elections for the invitation to participate in the major political event in the state life, with satisfaction stated that elections were held in Turkmenistan successfully and organized on a wide alternative basis, under the conditions of openness and publicity and with high activity of electors.

By the statement of participants of briefings, the invitation of international observers is considered as aspiration of Turkmenistan to provide maximum transparency of the present campaign and democratic character of election process.

As was marked, evaluation of Missions bears an objective character and answers a real picture - both preparations of elections, and their conduction. According to speakers, the conclusion and results are based on the analysis of national electoral legislation, direct supervision and actual material collected during the stay of members of Missions in our country.

In their work, observers were guided by principles of political neutrality, non-interference in internal affairs, and observance of laws of the state during their stay, objectivity at evaluation of election campaign, organisation and the course of elections. Along with it, it was marked that the national electoral legislation has been improved in recent years. In particular, significance of the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, which corresponds to conventional norms of international law in the field of democratic elections and being a reliable legal basis for maintenance of free and open will of voters, was underlined.

A special emphasis was made that representatives of all parties took part in the present campaign, and also candidates from groups of citizens.

At the same time, the activity of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums, elections committees of all levels, competent legal and information support of all process was noted that also facilitated a high level of democratic character of the election campaign.

Members of Missions pointed out the role of domestic mass media in highlighting the election campaign.

It was stated that the election campaign was held well organized and in peaceful conditions. Public authorities, election committees took the measures aimed at maintenance of the right of voters to make a free choice on the day of voting.

Thus, the elections, which took place on March 26, 2023, were held according to the Constitution and the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan and with the conventional democratic standards. They were open, transparent and provided free will of citizens of the country.