Ï Eight Turkmen universities are ranked in THE Impact Rankings-2023

Eight Turkmen universities are ranked in THE Impact Rankings-2023

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Eight universities of Turkmenistan were placed on the lines of the fifth edition of the annual global impact rating THE Impact Rankings-2023. Turkmen universities rightfully received high praise from independent international experts of the British organization "Times Higher Education (THE)".

THE Impact Rankings has been conducted since 2019 and is currently the only global performance table that evaluates universities in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations and aimed at improving the level of social and economic development.

Eight domestic universities are confidently placed among the universities striving for high performance and included in the world ranking of THE Impact Rankings-2023. These universities are: the International University for Humanities and Development, the Engineering and Technological University of Turkmenistan named after Oguz Khan, the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen Agricultural Institute, the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction, the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldy Kakaev.

Turkmen universities are included in THE Impact Rankings-2023, due to their active and effective participation in the implementation of 11 Sustainable Development Goals: "Quality Education," "Affordable and Clean Energy," "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure," "Zero Hunger," "Gender Equality," "Life on Land," "Good Health and Well-Being," "Clean Water and Sanitation," "Decent Work and Economic Growth," "Sustainable Cities and Communities" and "Partnerships for the Goals." Each of the universities has demonstrated their involvement in four goals, including SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Participating universities can provide data to evaluate any of the UN SDGs. The overall ranking includes universities that provide data on SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) and at least three other SDGs. The final score of the university in the general table is calculated by combining its score on SDG 17 with the top three scores from the remaining SDGs.

The British organization "Times Higher Education", based in London, is recognized as one of the leading organizations for compiling rankings of higher schools in the world, which have gained prestige and popularity among the participants. In 2023, about 1,600 higher education institutions from 112 countries of the world became participants in THE Impact Rankings.

The number of ranking participants grows every year, more and more higher education institutions seek to demonstrate their commitment to achieving the SDGs and join the authoritative global table THE Impact Rankings. The ranking encourages participants to demonstrate rapid growth in achieving the SDGs, introduce new techniques and effectively improve measures in this direction, providing the organizers with clearer and more open evidence of their development.

It should be noted that six of the eight above-mentioned Turkmen universities were included in this rating for the first time. The International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldy Kakayev and the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan are included in the global list of universities for the second time. For the first time, the two Turkmen universities took positions in the ranking last year, on the lines of the fourth edition of THE Impact Rankings-2022.

In recent years, higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan are increasingly evaluated by foreign experts and ranked in the prestigious world rankings. In addition, Turkmen universities are winning international recognition, which is vivid evidence of the large-scale and fruitful work in the country in the field of science and education. Successes, achievements and victories of domestic universities in the international format demonstrate the quality and level of training of specialists, contribute to the solution of one of the main tasks in the state to bring the national education system to the level of world standards and the entry of Turkmen universities among the leading higher schools of the world.