Ï Building and creating in the name of a brighter future

Building and creating in the name of a brighter future

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Like all the previous ones, the past week was full of events, reflecting the progressive development of Turkmenistan, its aspiration to new heights of progress. It passed under the sign that engulfed the whole country large-scale architectural and construction premieres in the educational sphere, which have become a clear result of the implementation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the era of the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state of a far-sighted policy, the invariable priority of which is the further prosperity of the Fatherland.

Traditionally celebrated on the first of September, the Day of Knowledge and Student youth this year, marked by the 32nd anniversary of independence Turkmenistan, became especially memorable.

The President of the country, under whose leadership the educational policy, took part in the ceremony groundbreaking in Ashgabat of a new building of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction, where conditions will be created for education of 5 thousand students.

– The state creates all conditions for the prosperous life of young people, their harmonious development, getting a good education so that they become qualified professionals. As a result, a generation of energetic, hardworking young people, loyal to the Motherland, people and adherent to the sacred traditions of courageous ancestors, - noted President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

On the same day, the foundations of two more higher educational institutions were laid institutions - the new building of the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat, designed for 5 thousand students, and an additional building State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan in the city of Mary velayat, designed for 2 thousand students.

Relay race of festive celebrations continued in a unique new city Arkadag, where the head of state took part in the opening of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev, established on the initiative National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The conference hall of the new university hosted the ceremony of awarding international certificates. Among them is the Honorary Certificate of the Eurasian Association equestrian sport for the creation of the International Academy in Turkmenistan horse breeding named after Aba Annaev, which is the first international academy in the region, which trains highly qualified specialists for horse breeding and equestrian sports.

The new institution of higher education was also awarded the Certificate Asian Equestrian Federation as the first international academy horse breeding and equestrian sport in the region, with the best opportunities and advantages in the training of highly qualified specialists.

To the applause of the assembled directors of a number of secondary schools in our country were awarded certificates of inclusion in the network of Associated Schools UNESCO.

On the same day, the opening of the UNESCO club created at the university took place. Akhal-Teke horses are ambassadors of peace. This will be a logical extension interaction of our country with one of the largest UN structures in context of the inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of intangible cultural heritage of mankind in the national nomination "Akhal-Teke horse breeding and traditions of decorating horses.

We also note that the prospects for increasing cooperation in the field horse breeding and equestrian sports became the main topic of the meetings held National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov September 1 with the President Eurasian Equestrian Association M. Sechina and Secretary General Qatar Equine Federation by Sheikh Ahmad bin Nuh Al Thani.

Guests who arrived in our country to participate in ceremonial events on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, emphasized that the new city Arkadag complies with international standards for ensuring comfortable living, recreation and environmental well-being, as well as highly appreciated the equipment of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev, the conditions created here for education and training.

An unforgettable gift for the approaching 32nd anniversary of the sacred independence of the Fatherland were also commissioned September 1 with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan in the city of Arkadag Pedagogical secondary vocational school named after Berdimuhamed Annaev and Medical Secondary Professional school named after Sachly Dursunova.

In addition, Specialized School of Arts named after Sakhy Dzhepbarov, Children's School of Arts named after Shukur bakhshi, specialized educational complex, three schools and nine kindergartens.

Festive celebrations continued in the capital, where the head of state solemn atmosphere cut the symbolic ribbon, opening a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service under the President Turkmenistan.

The Academy, celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, was awarded a Certificate University DUISBURG ESSEN (Federal Republic of Germany) for the best architecture and the Certificate of the Institute of Energy Economics and Fraunhofer Energy Systems Technology (Germany) for the implementation sustainable and advanced technologies.

On September 1, the first the bell announcing the beginning of the new, 2023-2024 academic year.

According to tradition, it began with a flower-laying ceremony at the Monument independence and the monument to Berdimuhamed Annaev, erected in secondary school No. 27 in the village of Yzgant, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat.

In commemoration of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth in all schools and universities ceremonial lines were held, at which it was read congratulatory Address by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, advising the younger generation on a good path, into the world of knowledge and great discoveries.

In his message, the President of the country emphasized that high levels, great achievements depend on the potential of an educated generation, wealth his knowledge, creative inspiration.

For the first time entering the world of knowledge, 153 thousand 353 first-graders were awarded a memorable gift - computers "Bilimli" produced in our country.

The first lesson - the lesson of high patriotism and humanism - was dedicated to the year "Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar" and the approaching significant date - the 32nd anniversary of sacred independence Turkmenistan, with which all its achievements and successes are inextricably linked.

In the Palace "Ruhyýet" of the city of Arkadag, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a lecture, the participants of which were representatives of public organizations, young professionals employed in various sectors of the economy, rectors, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the country, school students, media leaders.

The lecture of the Hero-Arkadag, teacher, professor, academician was dedicated to large-scale programs implemented in our country and indigenous transformations aimed at the rapid development of the Fatherland and ensuring a prosperous and happy life for the population, as well as a glorious history of the Turkmen people, national values and primordial traditions, tasks facing the youth.

Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid great attention to the importance leading in the era of the Renaissance of the new era of a powerful state work to further strengthen the foundations of independence and neutrality, contribution of youth to the socio-economic development of the country and to strengthening the authority of the Fatherland on the world stage.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people gave a number of instructions to the youth, emphasizing that it has a special role to play in the successful implementation of high goals that can only be achieved through thoughtful, creative work, physical and spiritual perfection, self-confidence.

– Following the sacred traditions of courageous ancestors, you must demonstrate high standards of patriotism, diligence, humanism, philanthropy not only in the family, but also in society, - said the Hero-Arkadag. Continuing the review, we should note that on August 28, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a workshop on the digital system, which discussed issues of development of the agricultural complex.

Among the key tasks facing farmers, the head of state indicated the proper performance of seasonal field work in accordance with agro-technical requirements, provision of tenants high quality seeds and proper preparation of all structures for cotton harvest campaign.

The focus should also be on issues related to landing potatoes, vegetable melons and other crops, caring for them.

The President of the country also instructed the hyakims to keep under unremitting control construction work, especially at facilities scheduled for delivery in operation this year.

Topical issues of state life and drafts of a number of documents were discussed at a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov spent August 31 using the digital system.

On the agenda is legislative support for the implemented cardinal reforms and preparation for the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, improvement of the activities of the system of standardization and certification, strengthening the material and technical base of the financial and economic complex.

It was reported on the steps taken to ensure the uninterrupted and reliable supply of domestic consumers with natural and liquefied gas, increase in export volumes of domestic chemical products, modernization of the material and technical base of the national fleet and domestic education.

Having listened to the report on the progress of seasonal agricultural work, the President Turkmenistan gave blessing for the start of sowing winter grains 6 September, to collect "white gold" in Akhal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats - September 9, and in Dashoguz velayat - September 15.

At the meeting, information was also provided on preparations for participation Turkmenistan in the International Horticultural Exhibition "EXPO-2023" Doha”, on the organization of events dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, including a solemn parade and holding from September 1 to September 30 the traditional month of "Safety traffic - the peace of our lives.

A number of proposals for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in areas of climate change.

Thus, for the practical implementation of the initiatives put forward by the head of state in this direction, is envisaged at the proposal of Turkmenistan and UN support to open a Climate Technology Center in Ashgabat in region of Central Asia. As a practical first step it is proposed to conclude between UNEP, our country and the states of Central Asia Memorandum aimed at the implementation of the Framework Program cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN, in particular, on the development of regional programs for the introduction of climate technologies.

In addition, within the framework of the implementation of the Paris Agreement by Turkmenistan it is proposed to develop an appropriate Roadmap.

In order to raise awareness of the population in the environmental sphere and environmental education is proposed in anticipation of the upcoming November 21 this year in Dubai (UAE) the 18th Youth Conference (COY-18) and UN conferences (COP-28) to be held in November in Ashgabat Youth forum on climate change.

Approving the submitted proposals, the head of state stressed that issues of ecology, nature conservation and climate change are among the priority in achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals. Turkmenistan takes a proactive position in the development of solutions set in this topical area of tasks, advocating the strengthening and intensifying constructive international cooperation that meets interests of the general welfare.

Information on the draft Rules for the use of space systems was presented on the territory of Turkmenistan, as well as in outer space, prepared in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On space activities".

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that by launching his first artificial satellite "TürkmenÄlem 52°E", Turkmenistan was among space exploration countries. In this context, the priorities advocate carrying out relevant work on the study of space , the formation of legal, organizational and economic fundamentals of activities in this area and documents regulating relations, arising in the course of its implementation.

The Head of State also signed Resolutions providing for construction of two dry cargo ships at the Balkan shipyard and construction in in the village of Guvlymayak, Turkmenbashi etrap, Balkan velayat, a complex of residential houses and buildings for specialists subordinate to the State Concern "Türkmenhimiýa" factories.

September 2 National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the sanatorium "Arçman" in Baherden etrap of Akhal velayat and got acquainted with the projects planned for the construction of facilities and reconstruction of buildings, with the conditions created here for recreation and strengthening the health of people, as well as held a workshop with the participation of the relevant heads of issues of improving the activities of medical institutions.

Other events of the week include a meeting held in the Mejlis with by a delegation of the US House of Representatives, during which priority issues of Turkmen-American cooperation were discussed, in first of all, the prospects for the development of inter-parliamentary relations.

Thus, the events of the past week reflected the most important directions of the state policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, whose main goal is to further economic growth of the Fatherland, creating the best conditions for a happy life of the Turkmen people.