Ï Innovation Research and Training Center of Y. Kakayev IUOG: Contribution to the digitalization of the industry's enterprises

Innovation Research and Training Center of Y. Kakayev IUOG: Contribution to the digitalization of the industry's enterprises

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Innovation Research and Training Center of Y. Kakayev IUOG: Contribution to the digitalization of the industry's enterprises

Specialists of the Innovation Research and Training Center of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas have created a solid base of projects in the field of software, information and technical support, contributing to the development of digital transformation processes and improving the efficiency of oil and gas enterprises.

On a contractual basis, the Center develops software for domestic productions, assembles, installs and maintains communication equipment and complex systems for collecting, processing and storing information. This work is carried out on the basis of the license issued by the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. This line of activity is one of the many directions of work of the Innovation Research and Training Center, as it was previously reported.

The first project of the Center's developers was successfully implemented in 2020 when the official website of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" was created and launched. The authors of the innovative solutions also created the website of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas and implemented an electronic document management system in the university.

Thanks to the Center's specialists, the program "Electronic Warehouse" has been introduced for the first time and is functioning effectively. It is being used by State Concerns such as "Turkmengaz," "Turkmennebit," and the State Corporation "Turkmengeologiya." This digital resource operates for each individual warehouse of industry enterprises and provides users with data on product volumes, enables controlling and accounting of products, collecting necessary information. The program is also developed as a mobile application designed for monitoring warehouses by responsible representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

According to the technical assignment of the "Turkmengazaragatnashyk" Department of the State Concern of "Turkmengaz," the Center has launched the "Well Fund" software. This program helps to timely monitor and analyze all the work processes and the implementation of the gas production plan from the wells operated by the "Dowletabatgazchykarysh," "Lebapgazchykarysh," and "Marygazchykarysh" Departments.

In addition, the Center's developers have provided the JSCB "Halkbank" with a convenient and easy-to-use "Automated electronic information system of citizens' registration". The program is designed to automate the processes of accumulating, processing and storing information about the bank's employees and its branches, as well as systematize this data. Subsequently, this system, approved by cybersecurity specialists, was also implemented in the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries.

One of the Center's recent projects is the "Electronic Information Set" developed for the "Turkmengazaragatnashyk" Department of the State Concern of "Turkmengaz." The software, which was also successfully tested and received positive feedback from IT specialists, allows engineers and relevant employees in the oil and gas industry to quickly access information from technical regulations and norms. This significantly saves working time and increases the efficiency of the production process.

Describing the results of the Center's team's work, it should be noted that it mainly consists of young scientists, instructors and students from the oil and gas university who independently, confidently and skillfully perform challenging tasks in the IT field. They conduct scientific and production experiments, implement projects and successfully integrate them into production. Thus, new formats of collaboration with the enterprises of oil, gas and other industries are developing, scientific and technical problems are being solved jointly, and a new impetus is given to the innovation process in practical terms, with a key role played by young scientists in our country.

Currently, according to the technical assignments of the State Concerns "Turkmengaz" and "Turkmennebit", the Innovation Research and Training Center is developing four new projects aimed at automating enterprises in the oil and gas industry and accelerating the transition of the national economy to the "digital rails."