Ï Hockey festival in the capital of Turkmenistan

Hockey festival in the capital of Turkmenistan

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Hockey festival in the capital of Turkmenistan

On the 15th of April, an international ice hockey tournament started in Ashgabat. Numerous spectators watched the opening ceremony live on national television and in the stands of the Sports Complex for the Winter Sports.

For guests and participants of the grandiose sporting event, students of sports schools and young figure skaters presented an ice show with incendiary performances with the participation of pop artists.

Among the speakers in the ice performance program is the head coach of the Turkmenistan curling team Sakina Gulamalyyeva. She began her sports career as a figure skater. However, over a certain period of time she managed to master different areas of winter sports.

Especially for the opening ceremony of the international hockey tournament, the athlete prepared a dance and musical number with young vocalists Dovran Shammyyev and Tazegul Bayramova.

It is not surprising that performing on the ice arena was new for pop artists. Therefore, Sakina, as a speed skating professional, taught the musicians a practical master class with elements of figure skating.

«We performed a song about sports, the main message of which is to inspire our athletes to win», says Sakina Gulamalyyeva. – All teams are very strong. It’s hard to say who will be the champion now. But I, as a patriot of our country, support the hockey club of Turkmenistan «Galkan».

The enchanting opening of the tournament and the strong support of the stands on the very first day of competition brought the Turkmenistan team a major victory. Having fought with representatives of the hockey club from Bahrain, Turkmen hockey players won a confident victory with a score of 8:1.

The hockey festival in Ashgabat continues. And to ensure that the sporting event remains in the memory of Turkmen citizens and guests of the country for a long time, domestic manufacturers of textiles and other souvenirs offer fans paraphernalia with the symbols of the hockey tournament.