Ï Karatekas of Turkmenistan brought home 33 medals from Samarkand from the Central Asian Championship

Karatekas of Turkmenistan brought home 33 medals from Samarkand from the Central Asian Championship

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Karatekas of Turkmenistan brought home 33 medals from Samarkand from the Central Asian Championship
Karatedo Federation of Turkmenistan

Turkmen athletes brought 33 medals of various denominations to their homeland from the 9th WKF Central Asian Karate Championship, which was held in Samarkand.

More than 800 athletes from Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan took part in the competition, competing for medals in the disciplines of kata (formal exercise demonstration) and kumite (fights) in various age categories.

Based on the results of three days of the tournament, our compatriots won 6 gold, 7 silver and 20 bronze medals.

As already reported, on the first day of the competition, the wards of the coaches of the national team of Turkmenistan Aydyn Charyyev and Igor Rahimov won 7 medals (1 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze), and on the second day - 14 more (3 gold, 2 silver and 9 bronze).

On the final day of the championship, our karatekas increased the team’s treasury by another 12 medals, winning 2 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze awards.

The following people rose to the highest level of the podium: a student of the 11th grade of the 1st specialized secondary school of the Gokdepe etrap, Ahal velayat, Islam Annaorazov (kata, among juniors 16-17 years old) and a student of the 11th grade of the 27th specialized secondary school of the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat Magtymguly Annayev (Kumite, among juniors up to 55 kg).

The winners of silver medals were: 4th year student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Selbi Rozybayeva (kumite, among women up to 68 kg), 11th grade student of the 19th secondary school of Balkanabat Resul Garatayev (kumite, among juniors up to 55 kg ) and in the team kumite among men Arzuv Seyitgulyyev, Shatlyk Allakov, Tachmuhammet Bekiyev, Guych Gokov, Shatlyk Gurbanov, Maksat Odayev and Shatlyk Tekayev.

And bronze awards were awarded to: 5th year student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Arzuv Seyitgulyyev (kumite, among men up to 55 kg), 10th grade student of Ashgabat specialized secondary school №. 27 Begli Pashiyev (kata, over 16 years old), student 11 19th grade student of the 19th secondary school in Ashgabat Elshat Agabalayev (kata, over 16 years old), 11th grade student of the 22nd secondary school of Balkanabat Garamammet Garamammedov (Kumite, among juniors up to 61 kg), a student of the 11th grade of the 23rd secondary school of the Gokdepe etrap of the Ahal velayat Gurbanmyrat Novruzov (Kumite, among juniors up to 68 kg), a student of the 11th grade of the Ashgabat specialized secondary school №42 Anna Karimova (Kumite, among juniors up to 53 kg) and in team kumite among men Resul Atajanov, Davut Nazmyradov, Maksat Dologeldiyev, Bayry Bayryyev, Dayanch Keletliyev, Jelal Satlykgulyyev and Muhammetnur Annamuhammedov.

The national team of Turkmenistan, which was represented by 74 athletes, took third place in the medal standings, losing the first two to the teams of Kazakhstan (39 gold, 30 silver and 47 bronze medals) and Uzbekistan (22 gold, 29 silver and 58 bronze medals).

Let us recall that earlier this month, at the first international karate tournament «WKF UZBEKISTAN OPEN 2024» held in Urgench (Uzbekistan)

Turkmen people won 23 medals - 5 gold, 5 silver and 13 bronze.