Ï Science and high technologies – basis of sustainable development

Science and high technologies – basis of sustainable development

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It is an indisputable fact that science is a basis of progress, a driving force of transformations in all spheres of life of state and society in the modern world. Introduction of advanced scientific and technical achievements and innovations widely in practice acts as a key factor of sustainable development, an effective solution of important issues and increases of level and quality of life of people. Scientific knowledge underlies education and it is they that are transferred to new generations in the course of study. In the new historical epoch, having defined development of science and technologies a key vector of state policy, independent neutral Turkmenistan confidently goes ahead by the path of radical all round reforms.

With these goals, our fatherland carries out a large-scale complex work initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and nowadays consistently proceeding under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. At research institutes, higher educational institutions, other profile structures of the country all conditions are created for successful fundamental and applied researches and expansion of their scope. At that, a great significance is given to interrelation of science, education and manufacture. The special attention is attached to involvement of the youth in science, encouragement of and support to the new generation of talented scientists, strengthening of fruitful cooperation with the world scientific community.

Assignment of the status of International Science-Technology Park to the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan can serve a visual example for it. As known, the head of the state signed the corresponding Resolution during the meeting of the Cabinet, which took place in the past week, on the threshold of Science Day. The given decision will allow our scientists and engineers to make active and deepen interaction with prestigious foreign profile centres, including with the International Association of Science Parks (IASP).

On the occasion of Science Day, which is annually widely marked in Turkmenistan on June 12, by tradition, the forums, which bring together local scientific workers and their foreign colleagues, teachers of higher educational establishments and student youth.

This year, the capital has hosted a number of international conferences devoted to various aspects of science and opening new prospects of interaction. One of them - «Important directions of the green economy: eco-, nano, bio and information technologies» organised by Oguz Han University of Engineering and Technology. Topicality of subjects of this forum is obvious. In the light of modern realities, including such factors as ecology, climate change, rational use of natural resources, namely «green» transformation was defined as basic vectors of economic and social development at national, regional and global levels.

As participants of the conference marked, Turkmenistan takes an initiative position in issues of international partnership and undertaking concrete steps to promote «green» solutions, introduction of innovative non-polluting technologies in all branches of national economy. During sessions popular areas of research works, cooperation prospects, in particular, in the field of creation of hi-tech manufactures, use of digital technologies, formation of general academic platform and network services for solution of priorities in regional and global scale became a subject of interested discussion and exchange of opinions.

On the sidelines of the forum, the winners of the competition of innovative technologies announced by the given higher educational institution among the youth of the country were announced and the awarding ceremony of winners took place.

The international conference «Development and the future of innovative technologies in Turkmenistan» was also timed to Science Day. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlines, science acts as a strong platform for realisation of national and universally recognized great goals. A prominent feature of national scientific system is its orientation on practical involvement of scientific achievements. And here one should proceed from the fact that significance of any is as higher as its efficient introduction into practice. 

It is remarkable that the international science-technology park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan became a venue for the forum. This establishment is a powerhouse of innovative national economy, «economy of knowledge», and intellectual, scientific, and technical potential of our fatherland. The papers, which were delivered at the conference covered topical issues of development of high technologies and their application in various branches of economy. It was especially noted that the future of national science is closely connected with processes of integration of Turkmenistan into the world scientific space, promotion of effective cooperation with the largest centres of science, authoritative international organisations. Potential areas of conduction of joint researches were also discussed in this connection.

An interested exchange of opinions took place on the margins of sessions «Chemical technologies and ecology», «Nano- technologies and power energy», «Production technologies of bio - food and medical products», «Information-communication and geographical information systems», «Innovative economy».

It is necessary to point out that prior to the start of the conference, its participants familiarised themselves with exhibition of digital technologies and innovative projects of the International science-technology park and German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) under the motto «Transition to renewed energy sources - energy of the future». Delegates of the forum had a possibility to take part in the awarding ceremony of winners of the scientific-creative competition among schoolchildren «Young innovators».

A wide spectrum of issues of multiplane cooperation in the scientific field were included in the agenda of the international conference «Science, Technology, and Innovative Technologies in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State», which took place in the capital. The two-day forum, annually organized by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, became an open platform for discussion of modern areas of scientific and technical progress, which is a basic factor of achievement of economic and social growth.

As participants of the conference marked, an indicative example in this respect is our country, which has taken up a course of innovative development that found its reflexion in adopted government programs, concepts and strategy. A visible symbol of success of grandiose transformations, which are carried out in the given direction is the new «smart» city of Arkadag, erected at the picturesque foothills of the Kopet Dagh. As known, the initiator of this megaproject is National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The idea of creation of this unique architectural and technological solution of the «smart city» testifies to the strategic vision of the future of our fatherland as highly developed state.

In the given context, it is necessary to note that construction of Arkadag city, which has received on a legislative basis a special legal status of city of state significance and development of its digital platform became a unique school of practical application of theoretical knowledge, potentials, innovative proposals and ideas for students and the faculty of local profile higher educational institutions. For the future of our native land and its further development is connected with the younger generation.

Prompt progress of world science caused emergence of variety of new areas that in turn creates preconditions for essential expansion of a spectrum of scientific researches and mutually beneficial cooperation. The subjects of the sectional sessions held on the sidelines of the conference became an acknowledgement to that fact: «Nano-technologies, chemical technologies, study of new materials and power energy», «Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics», «Information and communication systems, computer technologies», «Modern medicine and production technologies of medical products». The constructive exchange of opinions on topical aspects of innovative economy where as a basic criterion acts constant technological perfection, also took place.

Along with it, participants of the forum attached due attention to innovative processes in the humanities. During the session «Magtymguly Fragi - the poet of human soul» it was pointed out that creativity of the great Turkmen poet and thinker, by right recognised as an integral part of world cultural heritage, also serves as a subject of deep scientific study and inspires local and foreign scientists to carry out of new research work.

The annual competition of scientific work held in our country among young scientists and student youth also serves an efficient stimulus for active attraction of the younger generation to study sciences. By tradition, on June 12 Magtymguly Turkmen State University hosted the awarding ceremony of winners of this prestigious contest and under solemn conditions on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, honorary diplomas and costly gifts were given.

Having expressed to head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov their sincere gratitude for all-round support of scientific activity, participants of the festive actions underlined that the innovative reforms realised in Turkmenistan in the given sphere, promote dynamical development of the country, achievement of new successes in science, deepening of fruitful international contacts in this important area.