Ï Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

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Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, the agenda of which included a number of issues of public life.

The first speaker was the Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing activities to improve the legal framework of the country. In this regard, it was reported on the preparation of a draft of a new edition of the Civil Code, as well as on the introduction of amendments and additions to the Budget and Sanitary Codes, to the Laws “On Physical Culture and Sports”, “On State Scientific and Technical Policy”, “On Seed Production”.

At the same time, it was announced that a letter of credence had been accepted from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Commonwealth of Australia to our country.

Along with this, it was held a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to consider the prospects for the development of mutually beneficial interparliamentary relations in lawmaking, as well as organizational issues of holding the next Interparliamentary Forum of the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation. During the meeting with the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, opportunities for increasing cooperation between the parliaments of the two states were discussed.

It was reported that representatives of the Mejlis took part in forums on the implementation of international conventions on the rights of women and youth and global issues of macroeconomic strategy, organized by the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the Population Fund and the Asian Development Bank together with the relevant government agencies of our country.

People’s deputies also participate in events to explain the public the goals and objectives of domestic and foreign policy, current laws, national programs for the socio-economic development of the Homeland, and the socio-political significance of the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi.”

Summarizing the information presented, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of preparing draft new legal acts that meet the requirements of the time. These laws should reflect the development goals of our country, the head of Turkmenistan said, noting the need to carry out effective work in this direction.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov reported on the practical steps being taken to improve the statistics system in accordance with modern requirements, the use of new methods of data collection and processing, and the introduction of digital technologies.

In this regard, it was reported that, according to the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028”, it is envisaged to introduce a methodology for receiving electronic statistical reports of government agencies, as well as an electronic method of collecting information, in particular, through the Internet. Along with this, it is planned to develop cooperation and exchange experience with relevant international organizations and legal entities of foreign countries.

As was reported, within the framework of the implementation of the project documents “Strengthening the institutional and statistical capacity for national calculations” and “Strengthening the institutional, statistical and information technology capacity of the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics”, the State Committee on Statistics, together with the UNDP has developed a special software project, offered to be put in force on a pilot basis from July 1 of the current year, and to be fully operational from October 1.

After listening to the report, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized that the modernization of the statistics system should be continued in accordance with the realities of the time. At the same time, it was noted the need to use modern methods, along with the introduction of digital technologies.

Having approved the proposal presented by the Deputy Prime Minister to introduce specialized software aimed at expanding the range of services and improving statistical reporting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to begin relevant work in this direction.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Amanov reported on the measures taken by the Türkmengaz State Concern for the effective functioning of gas pipelines.

As reported, practical steps are being implemented in order to successfully solve the problems outlined in the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028” and the “National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for transforming the social and living conditions of the population of villages, rural settlements, etrap towns and etrap centers for the period until 2028”. In connection with this the Türkmengazakdyryş Union and the Türkmengaz State Concern, major repairs are being carried out on a number of gas pipelines.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan attaches special importance to ensuring uninterrupted supply of natural gas to the population, industrial enterprises, and social facilities. It is necessary to constantly maintain the working condition of gas pipelines, which will increase the reliability of supplies of “blue fuel” to internal and external consumers, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized, addressing a number of specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal work in the country’s fields.

In particular, the wheat harvest continues in the velayats these days. At the same time, the technical arsenal is effectively used, the collected white wheat “ak bugday” is transported in an organized manner to receiving points and elevators, and timely payments are made to grain growers for the grain delivered to the state. Along with this, the preparation of land intended for planting next year’s wheat harvest is underway.

In accordance with agricultural technology standards, cotton is cared for, including inter-row cultivation, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and watering. In addition, work is being done to grow potatoes and vegetable and melon crops and provide the population with these products.

As part of seasonal agricultural campaigns, measures to care for rice fields are being implemented in Dashoguz velayat, and sowing of this crop continues in Lebap velayat. In Mary velayat, plowing and leveling work is being carried out on land plots allocated for winter sugar beets, as well as its sowing.

It was reported that practical steps are being taken to preserve and enrich the flora and fauna of the country, in particular, in state natural reserves everything necessary is being done to increase the population of plants and animals, especially those listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan, as well as to take into account their habitats and monitor them and scientific study.

Noting the importance of further comprehensive development of the country’s agricultural sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under strict control the organized harvest and delivery of the harvest to the warehouse of the Homeland. In this context, the emphasis was placed on the need for uninterrupted and full use of special equipment.

The focus of constant attention should be on compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for fields sown with cotton, the head of Turkmenistan continued, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out work on growing a rich harvest of other seasonal crops in accordance with the requirements.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on the comprehensive steps taken by the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production in order to fulfill the instructions previously given by the President of Turkmenistan to establish the production of import-substituting products.

In connection with the increase in the number of residential buildings and modern facilities for various purposes being built in the country, taking into account the growing need for elevators, the feasibility of organizing their production and creating a special enterprise for the repair and maintenance of existing similar equipment was noted.

As a result of the work carried out by the Ministry, proposals have been received to create a joint venture and the relevant technical characteristics are currently being analyzed. In this regard, a proposal on this issue was submitted to the head of state for consideration.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the need to continue to take effective measures to create enterprises, including joint ones, specializing in the production of various types of products. In this context, the importance of establishing the production of elevators and organizing special production for repair and maintenance was noted.

Having approved the presented proposal, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work in this direction.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdaev reported on the ongoing preparations on behalf of the President of the country for the business forum “Turkmenistan – United Arab Emirates”, scheduled for June 25 of this year in Ashgabat.

It was reported that companies specializing in the fields of energy, digital technologies, trade, agriculture, food industry, construction and tourism will take part in the business event. The forum will discuss issues of developing interstate cooperation in the trade, economic, investment, industrial sectors, as well as in the field of renewable energy sources.

Along with this, it is planned to organize meetings between entrepreneurs of the two countries with the aim of exchanging experiences and intensifying productive relations.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that the trade and economic interaction of our state with foreign countries is constantly developing and exhibitions and business forums held in this direction contribute to the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation. In this context, instructions were given to ensure a high organizational level of the Turkmenistan – United Arab Emirates business forum.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the ongoing work on the construction of a new building for the Children’s Art School in Ashgabat.

As noted, this facility is envisaged for construction within the framework of the task defined in the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028.” Taking into account the increasing number of housing estates and the wishes of the capital’s population it is proposed to build a new building for the Children’s Art School.

In this regard, a corresponding proposal was submitted to the head of state for consideration.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that our country ensures a prosperous and happy life for children on a programmatic basis. At the same time, all conditions are created to introduce children to various types of art and artistic creativity. Having approved the proposal presented by the Deputy Prime Minister for the construction of a new building for the Children’s Art School, the head of state ordered the corresponding work to be carried out.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N.Amannepesov reported on the comprehensive measures being implemented for the proper organization and conduct of state accounting of scientific programs, plans and reports on scientific activities.

Having reported that in order to regulate relations in this area, modernize the country’s scientific and technical information system, form a reliable database of scientific research works, prepare and implement scientific and technical specialized programs, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has developed a draft corresponding document, the Deputy Prime Minister presented it at review by the head of state.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the growing role of science in the development of the national economy and society. Having signed the Resolution “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting state accounting of scientific programs (projects), plans and reports on scientific activities,” the head of Turkmenistan sent the document to the Deputy Prime Minister for the digital system, addressing the relevant instructions.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on the steps taken to develop further cooperation of Turkmenistan with the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

In this regard, it was noted that one of the priority directions of the foreign policy of the Homeland is the strengthening and expansion of partnership with the United Nations and its regional structures.

With the above-mentioned Commissions, our country is implementing priority tasks for interaction in such important areas as the economy, transport, energy, environmental protection, and ensuring sustainable development. Based on national interests, proposals prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were presented to increase this cooperation.

As is known, since 1998 the UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asian Countries – SPECA – has been operating. Over the past period, Turkmenistan has repeatedly chaired this Program and successfully held its meetings and economic forums. Our state was also among the first to come up with specific proposals to improve the activities of SPECA. In view of the end of the Chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan at the end of 2024 in this Program, proposals were voiced for the Chairmanship of Turkmenistan in SPECA in 2025, the preparation of a corresponding Concept and Action Plan.

It was also noted that within the framework of the UNECE, our country is interacting in the field of sustainable energy. In order to implement the initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan in this area, it is proposed to introduce representatives of the Türkmengaz State Concern and the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan as members of the UNECE Group of Experts on Gas, Renewable Energy Sources, Clean Electric Power Systems.

In May 2023, at the 79th session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, on the initiative of our country, the Resolution “Consideration of the conditions for the creation of a Special United Nations Program for the Aral Sea Basin” was adopted unanimously. To solve the problems outlined in it, proposals were voiced to organize a special meeting this summer with the participation of experts from relevant ministries and sectoral departments of Turkmenistan, international organizations and ESCAP member states, as well as in the fourth quarter of 2024, hold a seminar in Ashgabat on the prevention of natural disasters in the Aral basin.

As you know, in 2022 our country joined the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-Border Electronic Commerce in the Asia-Pacific Region. In order to implement this Agreement, it is planned to create a Working Group, to which it seems appropriate to propose representatives of the Ministry of Adalat and the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan as members.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the proposals presented, emphasizing that Turkmenistan cooperates closely and fruitfully with the United Nations. Noting the importance of further developing partnerships with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the head of state gave the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs relevant instructions.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the executed work to train international-level specialists for civil aviation.

As reported, state policy in the educational sphere is aimed at educating a generation of highly professional personnel capable of realizing the grandiose plans of the modern era, as well as introducing innovative technologies and best world practices into the educational process. In this regard, a corresponding proposal was submitted to the head of state for consideration.

After listening to the report, the President of Turkmenistan stated with satisfaction that our country is successfully training international-class personnel for civil aviation. In this context, an important task is to organize control and verification work on the relevant aircraft by local specialists, the head of state emphasized, instructing the head of the Agency to carry out relevant activities in this direction in accordance with international requirements.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, family well-being and great success in work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.