Ï An action on protection of wild tulips is being prepared

An action on protection of wild tulips is being prepared

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An action on protection of wild tulips is being prepared

Research staff of the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan are preparing an unusual exhibition-action, timed to coincide with the beginning of the flowering of wild tulips.

For this purpose, workers of the restoration workshops create dummies of plant species in the flowering phase: bulbous plants will not be presented in the form of a herbarium, but will be made artificially based on the study of the morphology and individual characteristics of each species. The campaign will start before the tulip begins to bloom in Turkmenistan. It is conceived as propaganda among museum visitors of the preservation of natural habitats of plants.

There are 16 species of tulips growing in Turkmenistan, nine of which are included in the fourth edition of the Red Book. Four species are found only in our country and are considered endemic: the Turkmen tulip, Gug's, Wilson's and Bochantseva's.

Wild tulips are important for breeding cultivated varieties, their cultivation and improvement by humans began more than a thousand years ago, all the cultural diversity of garden varieties are modified descendants of Central Asian tulips. Today, about 100 species of wild tulips are known in the world, more than 15,000 varieties have been created. The main breeding countries are the Netherlands, Turkiye, Japan and Russia.